Financial Reports 1st Quarter 2017

15 May, 2017

Financial Highlights

Net profit in first quarter: NIS 321 million

Compared to NIS 288 million in the corresponding period last year

11.5% growth 


S​hareholders' equity: More than NIS 13 billion

Compared to NIS 12.1 billion in the corresponding period in 2016


Return on equity: 10.4%

Compared to 10.0% in the corresponding period and 10.2% for full year 2016

Despite the aforementioned growth in shareholders' equity


Financing revenues (interest and non-interest): NIS 1,026 million

Compared to NIS 827 million in the corresponding period

24.1% increase


Financing revenues from current operations: NIS 1,047 million

Compared to NIS 922 million in the corresponding period in 2016

13.6% growth


Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements: 10.12%

Compared to 9.65% at the end of the corresponding period last year


Cost-Income ratio: 59.0%


The Bank will distribute for the first time according to the strategic plan, a dividend of 30% of net profit for the first quarter - NIS 96.3 million​


Further Information

​Press Release (PDF) 

Financial ​Reports​​​​ (PDF) 

​Analysts Presentation​​​ (PDF) 

Risk Management Report (PDF) 

​Key Features of Equity Instruments​​ (PDF) 

Confrence call​ (42.21 min.)

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