Financial Reports 2nd Quarter 2010

30 August, 2010

Financial Highlights

Net profit in first quarter: NIS 201 million

Compared to NIS 150 million in the corresponding period last year

34.0% growth


Return on equity in the second quarter: 12.3%

Compared to 10.1% in the corresponding period last year


Net profit in the first half of this year: NIS 373 million

Compared to NIS 260 million in the corresponding period last year

43.5% growth


Return on equity in the first half: 11.4%

Compared to 8.7% in the corresponding period last year


Profit from financing operations in the second quarter: NIS 714 million

Compared to NIS 564 million in the corresponding period last year

26.6% growth


Dividend Payment of NIS 200 million:

On August 16, 2010, the Bank's Board of Directors decided to pay a dividend amounting to NIS 200 million. The effective date for dividend payment is August 23, 2010; the ex-dividend date is August 24, 2010; and the payment date is September 8, 2010.


Ratio of total capital to risk elements(1) : 13.85%

Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements(1) : 7.81%


(1)After the effect of the dividend delcared on August 16, 2010


For additional information: Bank Spokesperson: 03-7559227 


Further Information

Press Release (pdf 127KB)

Financial Reports (pdf 894KB)

Analysts presentation (pdf 187KB)


* To view the reports, please verify you have the latest version of the Acrobat software.

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