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Mizrahi-Tefahot with Business Owners in the South

We offer business owners in the south a unique package of benefits, which includes various solutions adapted to the situation

Aiming to alleviate the difficulties faced by business owners in the south, especially Gaza Envelope and Sderot, Mizrahi-Tefahot Business offers a unique package of benefits, which includes various solutions adapted to the situation.

Grant of up to NIS 20,000

A unique grant of NIS 500-20,000 for the bank's business customers with businesses located 0-7 km from the Gaza Envelope and in several other localities. The list of localities: Or HaNer, Erez, Zikim, Holit, Yad Mordechai, Kissufim, Kfar Aza, Kerem Shalom, Karmia, Mefalsim, Nahal Oz, Nir Yitzhak, Nir Oz, Nir Am, Nirim, Netiv HaAsara, Sufa, Sa'ad, Ein Hashlosha, Sderot, Shokeda, Avshalom, Ein HaBesor, Be'eri, Gevim, Gevaram, Dekel, Zimrat, Yevul, Yakhini, Yesha, Yated, Mivtachim, Magen, Alumim, Amioz, Pri Gan, Re'im, Shuva, Kfar Maimon, Tushiya, Talmei Yosef, Tkuma, Ibim, Sdei Abraham, Havat Shikmim, Shlomit, Sde Nitzan, Bnei Netzarim, Talmei Eliyahu, Tzohar, Ohad, Mavki'im, Dorot, Bror Hayil, Naveh

Those eligible for the benefit: Businesses with liabilities (obligo) of up to NIS 2,000,000

The grant automatically enter the accounts of eligible businesses.

Deferment of loan payments

Have you taken a loan from us? You may request a deferment of loan payments for up to 3 months.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

  • Customers with a business account - Deferment of loan payments up to a cumulative amount of NIS 2,000,000

    Deferment of loan payments is exempt from a loan modification fee.

How to realize the benefit

  • Digital - Log in to your account on the bank's website → My loans → Breakdown of shekel loans → Request to defer repayment of a shekel loan
  • Contact your personal banker on the website or app. You can also call *8860

Attention: Those who are first-degree relatives (spouses, parents, siblings and children) of victims, those who have been kidnapped or missing persons, and the population serving in the military reserves or recruited under Order 8, must declare this fact after applying for deferment, by "Contact a banker" on the website/ application, or using the various banking communication channels. Victims of the "Psyduck Party", victims of the Midburn Festival planning meeting (subject to providing confirmation for being a victim of hostilities from the National Insurance Institute)

Customers defined as "first circle" according to the Bank of Israel's outline- People residing up to 30 kilometers from the Gaza Strip or up to 5 kilometers from the norten Border, those who were forced to evacuate their homes by the order of a state official, those who are first-degree relatives (spouses, parents, siblings, and children) of victims, those who have been kidnapped or missing persons, "Nova" party participants in Reim and the population serving in the military reserves or recruited under Order 8, will be credited by the cost of interest for the deferment amount.

Please note: For customers who have not been defined as "first circle", payment deferment bears interest on deferment period. Therefore, before deciding to defer payments, it is important to examine the deferment implications, including the economic cost of deferment (in terms of interest cost, post-deferment monthly billing amount, etc.).


  • Subject to the outline from the Bank of Israel, the bank’s discretion and its terms and conditions
  • This does not apply to borrowers who are in legal proceedings
  • Borrowers who had delayed loan repayment as of the outline publication date, may receive deferment of up to 180 days from the delay commencement date
  • Subject to the Bank of Israel's outline, the bank's terms and discretion
  • The bank may change the terms at any time and subject to any law
  • Business credit with a turnover of up to NIS 25,000,000, excluding loans in commercial cooperation with a third party
  • The loan spreading manner is subject to technical limitations deriving from the bank's computer system
  • The bank adopted the expanded outline of the Bank of Israel that took effect on 4 January 2024:
    Customers who did not defer payments before 31 March 2024 will be entitled to defer loan payments for a period of 3 months.
    Customers who have already deferred payments for a period of up to 6 months under the framework of the outline during the first phase (before 31 Dec. 2023) and/or the second phase (before 31 March 2024) will be entitled to defer loan payments for an additional 3-month period, for a total deferment period of 9 months

Exemption from interest on debit balance

Business customers who have an outstanding debit balance of up to NIS 30,000 are entitled to exemption from interest for 3 months

Exemption from interest on debit balance (overdraft) up to NIS 30,000 for 3 months for customers who belong to a single tariff or a small business whose current account as of the outline publication date (15.12.2023) had a debit balance as part of the approved credit line for him.

The persons eligible for the benefit:

  • People who reside up to 30 km from the Gaza Strip or up to 5 km from the northern border (according to the list of settlements published on the Bank of Israel website)
  • Those individuals who were forced to evacuate their homes by order of a state official.
  • Immediate family members (spouses, parents, siblings and children) of victims, hostages or missing persons.
  • "Nova" party participants in Reim.
  • Persons injured in one of the following events: the "Nova Festival" in Reim, the "Psyduck Party", and the "Midburn Festival" planning meeting
  • Reservists and conscripts of Tzav 8.

How to obtain the benefit:

Eligibility for the benefit is automatically updated for customers who reside up to 30 km from Gaza or up to 5 km from the northern border and for customers whose settlements have been evacuated by the state.

Those individuals who are the next of kin to the victims, the hostages and the missing persons and those who participated in the "Nova" party in Reim are requested to inform the bankers through the various communication channels. Victims of the "Psyduck Party", victims of the Midburn Festival planning meeting (subject to providing confirmation for being a victim of hostilities from the National Insurance Institute)


  • Subject to the outline from the Bank of Israel, the bank’s discretion and its terms and conditions
  • All customers who are eligible as mentioned above and whose account had an outstanding balance on 3 March 2024 will receive the 3-month benefit. If they previously received this benefit for an outstanding balance on 15 Dec. 2023, it will be extended by an additional three months

Leniencies under the fund for state-guaranteed loans

A series of leniencies for small and medium-sized businesses as part of the fund for state-guaranteed loans:

  • Deferment of interest and loan principal payments (grace) - Any business that receives a loan under the fund for state-guaranteed loans may receive a deferment on principal and interest payments for a period of up to 3 months.
    To defer loan principal payments, contact the banker at the branch.
  • Collateral adjustment – Any business may request a relative release of the collateral provided against the state-guaranteed loan, so it would be adjusted to the percentage set in the execution orders, provided that at the time of filing the request the loan repayments were duly made.
    To adjust the collateral, contact the banker at the branch.
  • Submission of financial statements – Businesses seeking a state-guaranteed loan who, as of the request submission date, do not have audited financial statements for 2022, as an alternative will be able to submit a full trial balance sheet and VAT reports for 2022.

Leniencies will be in effect until December 7, 2023

Daroma Tzafona Fund

A series of leniencies for small businesses that received a loan from Daroma Tzafona Fund:

  • Deferment of interest and loan principal payments (grace) - Any business that receives a loan under the Daroma Tzafona Fund may receive a deferment on principal and interest payments for a period of up to 6 months.
    To defer loan principal payments, contact the banker at the branch.
  • Collateral adjustment – Any business may request a relative release of the collateral provided against the loan from Daroma Tzafona Fund, so it would be adjusted to the percentage set in the execution orders, provided that at the time of filing the request the loan repayments were duly made.
    To adjust the collateral, contact the banker at the branch.
  • Submission of financial statements – Businesses seeking to apply for a loan from the Fund who, as of the request submission date, do not have audited financial statements for 2022, as an alternative will be able to submit a full trial balance sheet and VAT reports for 2022.

"Catom Israel" - Supporting Businesses in the South

Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank lends a hand to businesses in the south, strengthens them and helps them continue to operate.

We provide a platform for businesses from the war zones to offer the bank's customers various products and services, and this is our opportunity to support and buy.

Details of participating businesses




Legal note

  • Defaulting on the loan payments may result in late-payment interest charges and debt collection proceedings.
  • The bank may modify the terms at any time without prior notice.
  • The provision of all types of benefits listed on this page is subject to the discretion of the Bank