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Investment Consulting

Mizrahi-Tefahot investment professionals provide you with personalized advice at the highest professional level, available at our branches and the Investment Center

People have always been interested in investing their money in order to maintain its value, maximize returns, and sometimes even as speculation. In the current period, the investment world is dynamic, influenced by many factors, such as: local and global macroeconomic data, political aspects, security events, social and environmental aspects, corporate governance, etc. In addition, the scope and variety of investment products, which enable exposure to investments in many fields, have increased significantly.

Why do you need an investment advisor?

The capital market is a broad and professional field that requires knowledge, understanding and consideration of various economic parameters and data in the process of building an investment portfolio correctly.

The investment advisor is a professional, objective, licensed entity, supervised by the Israel Securities Authority and committed to the client's best interests.

The investment advisor's role is to tailor a solution that is specifically customized for each client and accompany them throughout their investment journey in the capital market, thus in accordance with the client's risk tolerance and personal needs, while performing risk management. At Mizrahi-Tefahot, you can receive an investment offer personally customized for you, thanks to the knowledge and professionalism of our investment advisors.

Our advisors are available at the Bank's branches nationwide – you can benefit from investment advice that is widely available, beyond the branch where your account is managed. In addition, if your personal advisor is unavailable, a wide range of investment advisors are at your service during the branch opening hours, and beyond at the Bank's Investment Center until 23:00.

Investment Advisor's advantages

  • In-depth familiarity with the capital market - an investment advisor is updated on an ongoing basis and is deeply familiar with the capital market, macroeconomic data, geopolitical influences on the markets, market trends, the variety of existing products and securities and their characteristics, as well as future expectations and assessments regarding companies' performance and the development of economies worldwide. All these allow the advisor to identify investment opportunities, address risks and provide appropriate advice.

  • Customization - The investment advisor will carry out an orderly procedure with you, in order to get to know your character and personal needs, define your investment objective with you, and accordingly advise you regarding an investment portfolio that meets the risk tolerance defined by you and serves your investment objective.

  • Research and Analysis - The investment advisor has ongoing access to up-to-date information and analysis from the Bank's Investment & Strategy Department. This allows him to formulate the optimal investment proposal for you at the advisor's professional judgment –offer you suggestions and provide recommendations based on in-depth analyses of the market and various investment channels.

  • Investment Diversification - The investment advisor will offer a wide range of financial products in Israel and abroad that meet your investment needs and objectives, such as: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, Exchange-Traded Funds [ETFs], index funds, and even more complex products if you find them interesting. Our advisors have in-depth knowledge of advanced financial products in Israel and abroad, and extensive experience in tailoring the investment portfolio to suit your needs.

  • Ongoing Monitoring - The capital market is a dynamic market, subject to changes from various events in Israel and abroad. The investment advisor will accompany and update you on developments and events that affect the investment portfolio, recommend how to wisely respond to events, examine the structure of the portfolio from time to time, and provide you with ongoing support throughout the lifecycle of the investment portfolio.

  • Availability - The investment advisors are available to you through direct contact via various channels, subject to the Bank's terms and conditions and your registration for the service – phone, email, secure correspondence on the Bank's website, as well as at the Investment Center that operates beyond the branch's operating hours, until 23:00.
    Such availability allows you easy access and direct contact with the investment advisor.
    You may also perform actions on the website and app, and enjoy a hybrid advisory service.

  • Supervision and Regulation - The profession of Investment advising requires a license from the Israel Securities Authority. Therefore, the investment advisor acts is regulated, subject to high standards of transparency, care and loyalty, which provide a sense of security and help alleviate concerns.

We invite you to an advisory meeting

In order for us to provide you with advanced advisory services, we invite you to come to the branch for a financial advisory meeting and sign an investment advisory agreement or sign a remote consulting agreement. Signing the agreement will allow you to benefit from the services of the advisor at the branch and the licensed investment advisors in the Mizrahi-Tefahot Investment Center. Subject to the Bank's criteria and conditions.




Legal note

  • The aforementioned should not be considered as any recommendation and/or advice tailored to the data, needs and goals of any person
  • This information is not binding on the Bank
  • This information should not be construed as a recommendation or suggestion to perform any securities transactions
  • Investment advisory will be provided by an investment advisor, subject to the signing of an advisory agreement, the criteria and the Bank's terms and conditions
  • According to the Regularization of Investment Advice Law
  • The aforementioned is not a substitute for personal investment advisory that considers the client's needs, data, needs, financial standing, circumstances and special investment objectives