Financial Reports 3nd Quarter 2021

15 November, 2021

Net profit in the third quarter of 2021: NIS 845 million
Compared to NIS 387 million in the corresponding
period last year 118.3% increase

Return on equity in the third quarter: 17.3%

Net profit for the first nine months: NIS 2,509 million
Compared to NIS 1,104 million in the corresponding period in 2020
And net profit of NIS 1,610 million for all of 2020

Return on equity in the first nine months: 17.1%

Total financing revenues (excluding Union Bank):
NIS 5,336 million Compared to NIS 4,328 million in the first nine months of 2020
23.3% increase

Cost-income ratio:
In the third quarter of 2021: 51.2%
In the first nine months of this year: 52.2%
Dividend distribution of NIS 752.7 million – 30% of the Bank's
profit in the first nine months of 2021


Further Information

​​Press Release (PDF)

Financial Reports​ (PDF)

Risk Management Report​​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Key Features of Equity Instruments​​​​​ ​(PDF)

Analyst Presentation​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Conference Call​ (23:09 min)



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