Financial Reports 2nd Quarter 2015

17 August, 2015

Financial Highlights


Net profit in the second quarter if this year: NIS 330 milion

Compared to NIS 307 million in the corresponding period last year

7.5% growth


Return on equity: 12.4%

Financing revenues in the second quarter: NIS 1,037 million

Compared to NIS 921 million in the corresponding period last year

12.6% growth


Commission revenues in the second quarter: NIS 365 million

Compared to NIS 338 million in the corresponding period last year

8.0% growth


Cost-Income Ratio 58.4% 


Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements at end of quarter: 9.3% 


Dividend amounting to NIS 49.5 million to be distributed

with respect to second quarter earnings


For additional information: Bank Spokesperson: 03-7559227


Further Information

Press Release (PDF) 

Financial Reports (PDF)

Analysts Presentation (PDF)

Confrence Call​ (28.35 min.)

Additional Disclosure Pursuant to Basel 3 Pillar 3

composition of capital (PDF)

main features (PDF)

reconciliation of capital (PDF) 

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