Financial Reports 3rd Quarter 2013

18 November, 2013

Financial Highlights


Net profit in third quarter: NIS 301 million

Compared to NIS 260 million in the corresponding period last year

15.8% growth


Return on equity in the third quarter: 13.3%


Net profit for the first nine months: NIS 826 million

Compared to NIS 806 million in the corresponding period last year

2.5% growth

(After a non-recurring provision amounting to NIS 191 million due to implementation of the Supervisor of Banks' directive with regard to housing loans).


Financing revenues (interest and non-interest) in the third quarter: NIS 915 million

An increase of 14.1% compared to the corresponding period last year


Shareholders' equity: NIS 9.6 billion

An increase of 12.5% compared to September 30, 2012


Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements: 8.84%


For additional information: Bank Spokesperson: 03-7559227


Further Information

Press Release (pdf 96 kb) 

Financial Reports (pdf 49kb) 

Analysts Presentation (pdf 758kb) 


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