Financial Reports 3rd Quarter 2014

18 November, 2014

Financial Highlights


Net profit in third quarter: NIS 304 million

Compared to NIS 301 million in the corresponding period last year


Return on equity in the third quarter: 12.0%


Net profit for the first nine months: NIS 870 million

Compared to NIS 826 million in the corresponding period last year

5.3% growth


Financing revenues from current operations in the third quarter: NIS 833 million

Compared to NIS 788 million in the corresponding period last year

5.7% increase


Shareholders' equity: NIS 10.8 billion

An increase of 12.6% compared to September 30, 2013


Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements (in Basel III terms) 9.01%


Balance sheet total: NIS 195.1 billion

Compared to NIS 173.3 billion in the corresponding period last year

12.6% increase


For additional information: Bank Spokesperson: 03-7559227


Further Information

Press Release (PDF) 

Financial Reports (PDF) 

Analysts Presentation (PDF) 


* To view the reports, please verify you have the latest version of the Acrobat software


Additional Disclosure Pursuant to Basel 3 Pillar 3

composition of capital (PDF) 

main features (PDF) 

reconciliation of capital (PDF) 

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