Financial Reports 3rd Quarter 2016

14 November, 2016

Financial Highlights

Record profit in the third quarter: NIS 373 million

Compared to NIS 316 million in the corresponding period last year

18.0% growth

Return on equity in the third quarter: 12.4%

Net profit for the first nine months: NIS 1,001 million

Compared to NIS 894 million in the corresponding period in 2015

12.0% increase

Return on equity for the first nine months: 11.0%

Compared to 10.0% for all of 2015.

Cost-Income Ratio in the third quarter: 55.2%

Ratio of Tier I capital to risk elements at end of quarter: 9.85%

Ratio of total capital to risk elements: 13.52%

Regulatory minimum target for start of 2017 achieved sooner

Dividend amounting to NIS 56 million to be distributed with respect to third quarter earnings

For additional information: Bank Spokesperson: 03-7559227


Further Information

Press Release (PDF) 

Financial ​Reports​ (pdf 1.71 MB)

Analysts Presentation​ (pdf 1345 kb)​​

Confrence Call​ (28.40 min.)


Additional Disclosure Pursuant to Basel 3 Pillar 3

​Risk Management Report (pdf 699 kb) ​

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