Financial Reports 1st Quarter 2020
Financial Highlihgts
Net profit in first quarter: NIS 357 million
Compared to NIS 404 million in the corresponding period last year
Decrease of 11.6%
Return on equity: 9.1%
Net profit from current operations*: NIS 303 million
Compared to NIS 404 million in the corresponding period last year
Decrease of 25.0%
Return on equity from current operations*: 7.7%
Financing revenues in the first quarter: NIS 1,411 million
Compared to NIS 1,288 million in the corresponding period last year
9.5% increase
Cost-income ratio: 52.4%
Cost-income ratio from current operations*: 54.7%
* Excluding revenues of NIS 82 million with respect to agreement with insurers to conclude derivative proceedings.
Further Information
Financial Reports (PDF)
Risk Management Report (PDF)
Key Features of Equity Instruments (PDF)
Analyst Presentation (PDF)
Confrence Call (13:49 min)
Further Information - Accessible Files
Financial Reports (PDF)
Risk Management Report (PDF)
Key Features of Equity Instruments (PDF)
Analyst Presentation (PDF)