Financial Reports 1st Quarter 2020

31 May, 2020

Financial Highlihgts

Net profit in first quarter: NIS 357 million

Compared to NIS 404 million in the corresponding period last year

Decrease of 11.6%

Return on equity: 9.1%

Net profit from current operations*: NIS 303 million

Compared to NIS 404 million in the corresponding period last year

Decrease of 25.0%

Return on equity from current operations*: 7.7%

Financing revenues in the first quarter: NIS 1,411 million

Compared to NIS 1,288 million in the corresponding period last year

9.5% increase

Cost-income ratio: 52.4%

Cost-income ratio from current operations*: 54.7%


* Excluding revenues of NIS 82 million with respect to agreement with insurers to conclude derivative proceedings.

Further Information

​​Press Release

Financial Reports​ (PDF)

Risk Management Report​​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Key Features of Equity Instruments​​​​​ ​(PDF)

Analyst Presentation​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Confrence Call (13:49 min)

Further Information - Accessible Files

Financial Reports​ (PDF)

Risk Management Report​​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Key Features of Equity Instruments​​​​​ ​(PDF)

Analyst Presentation​​​​​​​ (PDF)


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