Financial Reports 2nd Quarter 2020

17 August, 2020

Financial Highlihgts

Return on equity in the second quarter and in the first half: 9.0%

Financing revenues in the first half of this year:
NIS 2,810 million
Compared to NIS 2,920 million in the corresponding period in 2019
Decrease by 3.8%*

Financing revenues in the second quarter of 2020:
NIS 1,399 million
Compared to NIS 1,632 million in the corresponding period last year
Decrease by 14.3%**

Net profit in the first half: NIS 717 million
Compared to NIS 980 million in the corresponding period in 2019
Decrease by 26.8%

Net profit in the second quarter of 2020: NIS 360 million
Compared to NIS 576 million in the corresponding period last year
Decrease by 37.5%

Cost-income (ratio):
In the first half of the year: 52.6%
In the second quarter of 2020: 52.8%


* In the first half of this year, the CPI decreased by 0.7%, compared to an increase by 1.2% in the corresponding period last year. The difference in CPI between these two periods reduced financing revenues in the first half of 2020 by NIS 316 million.
** In the second quarter of this year, the CPI decreased by 0.2%, compared to an increase by 1.5% in the corresponding period last year. The difference in CPI between these two periods reduced financing revenues of the Bank in the second quarter of 2020 by NIS 275 million.


Further Information

​​Press Release

Financial Reports​ (PDF)

Risk Management Report​​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Key Features of Equity Instruments​​​​​ ​(PDF)

Analyst Presentation​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Confrence Call (34:13 min)


Further Information - Accessible Files

Financial Reports​ (PDF)

Key Features of Equity Instruments​​​​​ ​(PDF)

Analyst Presentation​​​​​​​ (PDF)

Risk Management Report​​​​​​​​ (PDF)

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